Monday-Saturday 7:00AM – 6:00PM
7:00AM – 6:00PM

Monday-Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM

7:00AM – 6:00PM

Mini Services

Mini Services
A complete diagnostics scan using an advanced software is the crucial part of our Mini services and maintenance. With this step, our specialists are able to discover any errors within the automobile’s installed components. This initial examination allows our experts to determine the best plan for your car’s repairs, as well as eliminate any chances of faults occurring in the future. Our diagnostics scan deduces if your automobile has problems with its exhaust, oil tank, engine, throttle, brakes and etc.

A complete diagnostics scan using an advanced software is the crucial part of our Mini services and maintenance. With this step, our specialists are able to discover any errors within the automobile’s installed components. This initial examination allows our experts to determine the best plan for your car’s repairs, as well as eliminate any chances of faults occurring in the future. Our diagnostics scan deduces if your automobile has problems with its exhaust, oil tank, engine, throttle, brakes and etc.





A Trustworthy Full-Service Mini Cooper Auto Repair Shop Near You

As a full-scale Mini Cooper service shop, we work meticulously to guarantee a superior treatment for your elite automobile – just like it deserves. Our highly experienced, certified experts adopt the latest technology to carry out a thorough examination of your vehicle, detecting any malfunctions, and then provide a full plan based on your vehicle’s repairs, replacements and maintenance requirements.

With SouthWest BM, the regular scans and maintenance of your Mini Cooper includes:

Regular Servicing with the Best Mini Cooper Auto Repair Shop in Brisbane

The experience of driving a Mini Cooper is unparalleled. To make sure that your premium vehicle functions at its best, it is important to give it a world-class servicing and maintenance. SouthWest BM is an established Mini service centre, catering to Brisbane and nearby areas in Queensland, and takes pride in its first-class services. We specialize in BMW and Mini Cooper services in order to remain devoted to a one of a kind automobile, allowing us to give our customers and their vehicle’s the top of the line treatment they deserve.

Our broad-gauge services incorporate a wide array of repair, replacements and maintenance services. Some of our most popular services for Mini Cooper include fluid changes, transmission repairs and replacements, brake maintenance, battery replacements, wheel alterations, engine maintenance and repairs, suspension alignments, tire rotation and more. We also offer overall performance improvements during a complete maintenance as part of our preventive care.

A Trustworthy Full-Service Mini Cooper Auto Repair Shop Near You

As a full-scale Mini Cooper service shop, we work meticulously to guarantee a superior treatment for your elite automobile – just like it deserves. Our highly experienced, certified experts adopt the latest technology to carry out a thorough examination of your vehicle, detecting any malfunctions, and then provide a full plan based on your vehicle’s repairs, replacements and maintenance requirements.

With SouthWest BM, the regular scans and maintenance of your Mini Cooper includes:

Regular Servicing with the Best Mini Cooper Auto Repair Shop in Brisbane

The experience of driving a Mini Cooper is unparalleled. To make sure that your premium vehicle functions at its best, it is important to give it a world-class servicing and maintenance. SouthWest BM is an established Mini service centre, catering to Brisbane and nearby areas in Queensland, and takes pride in its first-class services. We specialize in BMW and Mini Cooper services in order to remain devoted to a one of a kind automobile, allowing us to give our customers and their vehicle’s the top of the line treatment they deserve.

Our broad-gauge services incorporate a wide array of repair, replacements and maintenance services. Some of our most popular services for Mini Cooper include fluid changes, transmission repairs and replacements, brake maintenance, battery replacements, wheel alterations, engine maintenance and repairs, suspension alignments, tire rotation and more. We also offer overall performance improvements during a complete maintenance as part of our preventive care.






BMW brake
fluid flush



(condition apply)
BMW coolant
fluid flush



(condition apply)

Basic Services from







Your Automotive Repair & Maintenance Service Specialist


October 11, 2021

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Owning A Mini Cooper?

Contrary to popular belief, the ‘Mini’ is not a car brand in its own. This compact, economy car is actually one of the many models released by the German automotive giant, BMW. Originally released in 1959, the Mini was once designed by…
October 11, 2021

7 Common Repair Problems Mini Cooper Owners Face

The ‘Mini’ was originally introduced by the BMC in 1959 as an economy-built, compact, yet high-performance car. Contrary to popular belief, the Mini isn’t a brand in itself, but a model produced by brands. This brand in particular was originally…